Estate Gifts

A Life Well Lived

Great-Grandchildren are asked to write the history of your family. What would they say about the family values, traditions and passions you have instilled in them? For the generations that follow you, what do you want to have them continue on your behalf?  You can help your family make those decisions and keep what is important you to you alive in the future.  Estate Planning is the way to control how your assets are distributed and that your life passions are honored.

Getting Started

If you would like to include Meals on Wheels of Wake County in your will or trust, we highly recommend you consult an attorney.

There are many types of Planned Gifts, but your estate is unique. Think broadly about your assets. In addition to gifts of cash, you can leave stock, real estate, an insurance policy, personal property, an IRA or the assets in a pension plan to a nonprofit charity. You have numerous options, no matter the size of your estate.

Make sure your Will or Trust is up-to-date and that it reflects your personal financial and charitable objectives.

Traditional Planned Giving Strategies


One of the best ways to keep the Meals on Wheels promise is to make a charitable bequest in your Will or Trust. Leaving a gift to MOW gives you the opportunity to transfer values that are important to you. Planned Giving allows you to continue your support of vital programs for older adults in Wake County in perpetuity.

Cash Bequests
When you make a cash bequest in your Will or Trust, MOW receives a specific dollar amount upon your death, ensuring that your money is available to you during your lifetime. Upon your death, some of your money benefits the  programs that MOW provide to the community.

Bequests of Property
A bequest of property ensures that MOW receives specific assets such as securities or real estate. MOW can sell these assets and use the proceeds to support its charitable mission.

Retirement Plan
You can also designate MOW as the beneficiary of the remainder of your IRA, Keogh, tax-sheltered annuity, qualified pension or profit-sharing plan upon your death.

Contingent Bequest
MOW is given a bequest only in the event of the death of other beneficiaries, such as your children and grandchildren.

Giving Through a Will or Trust

The following statements may be helpful in directing a future gift to Meals-on-Wheels:

I hereby give to Meals-on-Wheels of Wake County, Inc., Federal Tax I.D. # 56-1061085, located at 1001 Blair Drive, Raleigh, NC, the sum of $____ to be used as its Board of Directors deems advisable for the benefit of seniors in Wake County.


I hereby give to Meals-on-Wheels of Wake County, Inc., Federal Tax I.D. # 56-1061085, located at 1001 Blair Drive, Raleigh, NC, ____% of my estate to be used as its Board of Directors deem advisable for the benefit of seniors in Wake County.

The information on this site is not intended as legal, tax or investment advice. For such advice, please contact an attorney, tax professional or investment professional.