Meals on Wheels provides so much more than a meal. We’re a powerhouse movement of everyday people who are standing up together to help seniors live out the independent lives they deserve while enjoying the kind of life-giving connections that will nourish them as they continue to age. Discover how you can support our seniors using the resources below.
You can donate online with a credit card or send a check, made payable to:
Meals on Wheels of Wake County, 1001 Blair Drive, Suite 100, Raleigh, NC 27603-2030. Meals on Wheels of Wake County is a 501c(3) organization, and our tax ID number is 56-1061085.
- $200 provides meals for one person for one month
- $1200 provides meals for six months
- $2400 provides meals for a year
By making a recurring donation, you make a lasting commitment to the delivery of healthy meals to local older adults, allowing them to live independently at home. Becoming a sustaining donor is a great way to help ensure the stability and effectiveness of local Meals on Wheels programs. Becoming a sustaining donor is easy! Simply enter the amount, and frequency with which you would like to donate along with your payment information, and we will automatically charge your credit card accordingly.
Making a Memorial or Honorary Gift provides you, the donor, with the opportunity to remember special individuals with a memorial or honorary gift. Gifts may be made “In Memory of” an individual to commemorate a loved one’s life, or “In Honor of” an individual who is special in your life. Gifts may also be made in honor of special occasions, such as birthdays and anniversaries.
At your request, Meals on Wheels will send a card to the individual whom you designate to notify them of your gift. The amount will not be disclosed.
For information on giving through a will or trust click Here
To make a gift of stock, please contact Amy Akroyd at You will receive contact information for our broker.
Many companies have a Corporate Matching Gift program and will match your monetary and/or volunteer contribution with a corporate gift. Check with your employer to find out if they offer this great way to increase the value of your giving. Our organization is one of the many that benefits from your participation in the United Way or Combined Federal Campaign held in your workplace.
Our codes are: State Employees Combined Campaign – 1820; Combined Federal Campaign – 59456
Click here for specific details about items that are needed and how to deliver them.
While we value generous people in our community wanting to donate we do have to restrict donations to only the following items:
- Pre approved items on our Amazon Wish List
- Non religious cards
- Breakfast bags (see this document for details)
- New thermal totes (must be thermal) Suggested totes
- New and never opened toiletries
- New and never opened Ensures or Boost